Doula services


Birth Doula

I will accompany you in labor to help ensure a safe and satisfying birth experience and will draw upon knowledge and experience to provide emotional support, physical comfort and child birth education. I will support and empower you to ask questions for informed decision making. Provide reassurance and perspective to you and your partner, make suggestions for labor progress, and help with relaxation, massage, positioning and other techniques for comfort. In addition we will meet before labor to develop your birth plan, discuss stages of labor and practice comfort measures. After your baby is born I will stay with you for 1-2 hours postpartum and depending on where you choose to birth. We will set up a postpartum visit for breastfeeding guidance and/or listening and holding space for you within 24 hours after birth.

Package includes: ($1500)

  • 2 prenatal visit

  • Childbirth Education preview

  • Ongoing evidence based support throughout your pregnancy.

  • Birth Plan Assistance

  • Labor support (on call for you 2 weeks before your EDD until baby is born)

  • 2 postpartum visits including lactation counseling

Birth Plan Assistance: ($150) Help to design a birth plan to support informed decision making. 2 hours : (included in doula services)

*Body Ready Method Services: ( $425) One 90 min assessment visit with three 45 min followup visits OR ($150) One 90 min assessment visit with one virtual followup visit

Packages are in addition to doula services or an individual service. All are specific to your needs.

*see below explanation of BRM


Postpartum Doula

Offer education, companionship and nonjudgemental support during the postpartum fourth trimester. Assist with newborn care, family adjustment, meal preparation, and light household tidying. Provide evidence- based information on infant feeding, emotional and physical recovery, infant soothing, coping skills for new parents, and make appropriate referrals when necessary.

Packages are customized to your needs. ($45/hour daytime hours and $60/hour overnight)

What is BRM?

Body Ready Method is based on 5 pillars: Upper Body Mobility, Core, Pelvis, Pelvic Floor, and Movement Patterns. Incorporating these pillars into your movement during pregnancy can help

*Have a more efficient birth

*Minimize pregnancy aches and pains

*Optimize recovery

*Minimize unnecessary abdominal separation and pelvic floor dysfunction

*Optimize pelvic floor responses

*Work smarter not harder!

Interested? Questions? Reach out for more info!